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《Systransoft 机器翻译系统》 相关类别 : 英语大片 | 英语软件 | 电子书籍 |

软件名称:  《Systransoft 机器翻译系统》
文件类型:  其它
界面语言:  英文软件
软件类型:  国产软件
运行环境:  Win2003,WinXP,Win2000,Win9X
授权方式:  商业软件
软件大小:  1.7GB
软件等级:  ★★★★★
发布时间:  2007-04-25
官方网址:  http://     

[Systransoft.机器翻译系统].Systran_6_winth_crack_by_JJLM.iso 详情 1.7GB
[Systransoft.机器翻译系统].agsyspr6.nfo 详情 20.7KB


若大家有玩过 Ultima Online : Renaissance 网络创世纪游戏,相信对Systran应不陌生,因为所提供的在线实时对话翻译、新的生物、城镇、地形,以及交互式教学。中文接口、中文对谈与更多的中文玩家,让您不再受英文语言之限制,尽情享受网络创世纪的神秘世界!
是美国乔治敦大学机器翻译系统研发小组为班底,进一步开发了大型的机器翻译系统公司。该公司曾提供给美国空军的SYSTRAN系统,词典有168千个词干形式和136千个词组,可进行俄英机器翻译,每小时可翻译15万词;提供给美国拉特塞克(Latsec)公司的SYSTRAN系统,可进行英语,西班牙语,法语,德语,意大利语,葡萄牙语,简体中文,繁体中文,日语,韩语,俄罗斯语,瑞典语等12种语言的互译和机器翻译工作,每小时可译30万-35万个词。SYSTRAN是目前应用最为广泛、所开发的语种最为丰富的一个实用化机器翻译系统。其 Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer 的插件可以直接翻译你的文章.
这是一套相当强的翻译软件,它提供了交互式的接口,让你可以将商业书信转换你所看得的懂的信息,并且加以保存,除此之外,它提供了20种以上的行业级别词汇及词句,及2,000,000个单字及词汇,让你可以自由的选择切换,甚至你可以自行建立你的词库,以增加你工作效率,在支持上支持了ASCII, ANSI, RTF, HTMLSGML多种格式更与Windows Office 密切整合,是一般软件无法达到的。

更加强大和可靠的翻译软件!使用了先进的翻译技术, 可满足各层次用户的需要,可翻译文档、电邮、网页、聊天内容等等!支持的语言: 荷兰语, 西班牙语, 瑞典语, 朝鲜语(韩国语), 德语, 俄语, 法语, 汉语;汉语族, 葡萄牙语, 日语, 意大利语。

SYSTRAN Premium Translator is the most powerful translation software available for use on your PC.


It uses the same robust translation engine selected by Google?, Yahoo!«, global corporations, and the US Intelligence Community.

Designed for today?s professional translator, the Premium product?s extensive suite of linguistic and post-editing tools allow you to create and manage multilingual documents and projects to reach the highest possible translation quality.

* nstantly translate and understand foreign language Web pages, emails, and documents

* Quick access to the Dictionary Lookup to choose the appropriate translation of a selected term

* Built-in linguistic options and 5 integrated specialized dictionaries covering 20 domains help you achieve the highest-possible translation quality results

* Reuse of previous translations and stored linguistic resources boosts productivity

* Streamline the translation workflow and automate the human translation process to minimize costs

* SYSTRAN Toolbar lets you translate directly from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox

* SYSTRAN Dictionary Manager (SDM) enables you to create bilingual or multilingual User and Translation Memory ™ Dictionaries to reach the highest-possible translation quality

* SYSTRAN Translation Project Manager (STPM) provides powerful review tools for words without an equivalent translation, extracted terms, alternative meanings, source ambiguity, sentences, TMs, and more, in separate panes to help you automate the customization and post-editing processes

* SYSTRAN Premium Translator provides translation to and from 52 language pairs, available for purchase in 10 language packs and individual language pairs

System requirements:

In order to use SYSTRAN Premium Translator you need:

* Intel Pentium« or compatible 1 GHz processor, or equivalent AMD« processor,
or higher

Disk Space:
* Minimum 512 MB RAM
* 90 MB per language pair
* 500 MB available free space during installation plus additional space as needed to unzip downloaded product.

Operating System:
* Microsoft« Windows 2000 Professional, XP Home or XP Professional, or Vista?

Microsoft Office:
* Microsoft« Office« 2000, XP, 2003, or 2007

Web Browsers:
* Microsoft« Internet Explorer« 6.0 or higher
* Mozilla« Firefox« 1.5 or higher

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