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摘 要:我国传统译论中与翻译批评标准有关的内容十分丰富,但由于研究方法上的问题,却存在一种单向度、静态的思维定势。近年来,这一状况已开始发生变化,其主要动因之一即是国外当代翻译理论的发展及其影响。现代译学对翻译的接受者和译者这两个要素以及社会文化因素对翻译活动的制约作用给予了充分的强调,从而为翻译批评标准研究提供了多向度的、动态的观念。这些观点和观念构成了翻译批评标准的现代内涵,并因此而提高了翻译批评标准的解释力。同时,这对于从哲学的角度对翻译标准问题进行深入而系统的研究,以形成一种重视相关制约因素、重视协调与平衡的翻译标准思想具有理论上的支持作用。
关键词:翻译批评;翻译标准;传统译学;当代翻译理论;哲学途径 (来源:www.EnglishCN.com)

Traditional and Modern Perspectives on Translation Criticism

Abstract: Discussions on the criteria of translation criticism have been rich and lively in China. However, some problems in methodology have resulted in a stereotyped way of thinking that privileges the source language text. This is changing now, and it is partly due to the influence brought about by the rapid developments in translation studies abroad since the 1970s. By emphasizing the role played by the receptor, the translator and the cultural factors in the process of translation, contemporary translation theories have been able to present a dynamic and multi-dimensional perspective on translation criticism, thus making it easier to explain different criteria of evaluation. Such a perspective also backs up the philosophical approach to the problem of translation criteria in that it calls for due attention to be paid to the interaction between different factors functioning in the shaping of a translation and to the balance and harmony between these factors that a translator has to achieve in his work.

Key words: translation criticism; translation criteria; traditional translation studies; contemporary translation theories; philosophical approach to translation studies.

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