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  19、Einstein (爱因斯坦) —→ Special Theory of Relativity (专业相对论) (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

  —→ General Principles of Relativity (普通相对论)

  20、Freud —→ The Interpretation of Dreams (梦的解析)

  —→ Three Contributions to the Sexual Theory (性学理论的三大原则)

  —→ The Ego and Id (自我与本我)

  21、The 17th century metaphysical poetry (玄学派代表), represented by John Donne (但恩)。

  22、T. S. Eliot (埃利奥特) —→ The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (普罗弗里克的情歌)

  —→ The Waste Land (荒原)

  23、The Waste Land is influenced by the Bible and Dante‘s Divine Comedy (神曲)……

  24、Joseph Conrad (康德拉) —→ Lord Jim (杰姆老爷)

  —→ He wrote mostly of sea.

  25、Virginia Woolf (沃尔芙) —→ Mrs. Dalloway in post-war London (描述一战后的伦敦)

  —→ To the Lighthouse (到灯塔去)

  very little action (没有人物的活动) be lack (缺乏) of action

  —→ The Mark on the Wall (墙上瑕疵)

  —→ 两战间唯一一名女作家

  26、Woolf is the only women writer of stream of consciousness in British modernist literature.

  27、Woolf established a literary society known as Bloomsbury group. (文学社团)

  28、Lawrence (劳伦斯) —→ Lady Chatterley‘s Lover (查泰来夫人的情人)

  pornographic (色情作品blue)

  —→ Sons and Lovers (儿子与情人)

  autobiographical (自传体) Freud 恋母情节

  —→ The Rainbow (虹)

  —→ Women in Love (恋爱中的女人)

  —→ The Lost Girl (迷途的女孩)

  29、Lawrence major theme (创作主题):男人与女人的关系 (human relationship)

  30、W. B. Yeats (叶织) —→ The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems

  —→ the greatest poet of our time (二十世纪最伟大的诗人)

  —→ 叶织的诗中渗透着盖尔特文化(Celtic)

  —→ Irish Literary Society (爱尔兰文学社团)

  —→ He used symbolism.

  31、James Joyce —→ Dubliners (都柏林人) naturalistic (自然主义) 创始人为法国左拉

  —→ A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (青年画家的肖像)

  autobiolgraphical (自传体)标志着英国小说的转折点turning point

  —→ Ulysses (尤里西斯)

  —→ Finnegans Wake (非尼金人的觉醒) 西方的红楼梦
  more than 30 languages encyclopaedic (百科全书似的作品)

  32、Ezra Pound (庞得) —→ Shi Jing or The Book of Songs (翻译了诗经)

  —→ In a Station of the Metro (地铁站)

  —→ Cathay (翻译李白的作品)

  33、Ezra Pound was the best representative of the Imagist movement. (印象派运动)

  34、William Faulkner (福克纳) —→ The Sound and The Fury (喧嚣与愤怒)

  —→ As I Lay Dying (在我弥留之际)

  ~ is of local colorism base on American South. (充满了地方色彩主义,美国南方)

  ~ is the best representative of the stream of consciousness. (美国意识流的最佳代表)

  ~ 强调博爱为主题

  35、Ernest Hemingway —→ The Sun Also Rise

  —→ A Farewell to Arms

  —→ For Whom the Bell Tolls

  —→ The Old Man and the Sea

  36、 With the publication of The Sun Also Rise, Hemingway became the spokenman for what Gertrude Stein had called “a lost generation”。

  37、Tomas Mann (德国) —→ The Buddenbrooks

  —→ The Magic Mountain

  38、Gorky (高尔基) —→ Mother

  —→ Childhood

  —→ My Apprenticeship

  —→ My University

  the trilogy (三步曲):Childhood, My Apprenticeship, My University

  39、Gorky was the representative of Russian modernist literature.

  40、Sholokhov (肖洛霍夫) —→ The Quiet Don (静静的顿河)

  41、Cubism名词解释 立体主义

  Cubism is a type of abstract painting (抽象绘画) which aims to penetrate beyond surface appearances (超越表面现象) and single vision (想象) and depict (描绘) persons and objects (人和物) from varying angles (千变万化的角度) simultaneously (同时进行) and three-dimensionally (三位立体)。 The Cubism was represented by Picasso (毕加索)

  42、Futurism名词解释 未来主义

  The works of futurism portray (描绘) the dynamic life (动态的生活) of the 20th century. They glorify (崇尚) war, danger, machine age and attack (反对) museums and academies (学术)。 They are interested in expressing the speed (高速发展), progress and even the violence (暴力) of modern live.

  43、Dadaism名词解释 达达主义

  Dadaism created works that were anti-war, anti-modern life, and indeed (甚至), anti-art. When they held exhibitions the Dadaists sometimes encouraged (鼓励) the public to destroy (销毁) their displays. They thought that the world had become insane (病了) and art too seious (严肃)。 One of the most important ideas to develop out of the movement was automatism (自动主义)—the automatic production (自动产生) of art.

  44、Surrealism名词解释 超现实主义

  Surrealism was a which combined (结合) the Dada idea of automatism with the psychology (心理学) of Sigmund Freud. The surrealists felt that the job of the artist was to show an unconscious (无意识的) world.

  论述简答一、What are the Characters of modernism?

  1、 Modernism was a complex and diverse (复杂多样的) international movement in all the creative arts (创造性艺术), originating about the end of the 19th century. It provided (出现) the greatest creative renaissance of the 20th century. It was made up of many facets (方面), such as symbolism, surrealism (超现实主义), cubism (立体主义), expressionism, futurism (未来主义), ect.

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