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今天我们还要讲两个带有devil这个词的习惯用语。我们上次学到devil就是魔鬼。在西方文艺作品里,与被称为罪恶之灵的魔鬼打交道总不会有好下场。魔鬼往往会用金钱、地位、美女等使你眼花撩乱,来引诱你上钩,到头来要你还债的时候就麻烦了。 (来源:www.EnglishCN.com)

今天我们要讲的第一个习惯用语就出自这儿。这个习惯用语是:There's going to be the devil to pay. 这个习惯用语从字面意思看来就是:如果你和魔鬼作交易,你最终会自讨苦吃。但是这句话用在日常生活中又是什么意思呢?


例句1: Oh, oh, Bill! Wait till dad sees what you did to his car! You know how much he loves that car - there's going to be the devil to pay as soon as he gets home.


可想而知,老爸一看到那车就会火冒三丈,大骂闯祸的儿子,给他一个难忘的教训。所以there's going to be the devil to pay其实意思就是你干的事儿将会给你招惹好大的麻烦。


接下来我们还要听一个例子,里面也有习惯用语there's going to be the devil to pay。这是办公室主管在提醒手下工作人员赶快把一份逾期未交的报告交上去,以免引起更为严重的问题。请你仔细听,在这段话里there's going to be the devil to pay表达什么意思。

例句2:It's already two weeks late. No matter how long it takes, you have to finish it tonight. There's going to be the devil to pay if it's not on the boss's desk in the morning.


这个例子里的There's going to be the devil to pay表达的意思是:某一项工作没有完成会造成很大的麻烦。


我们今天要学的第二个习惯用语是:give the devil his due. Due在这儿的意思是应得的报酬或者回报。从字面意思看来give the devil his due这个习惯用语就解释:“给魔鬼应得的回报”。我们常说:好有好报,恶有恶报。那么give the devil his due是不是“恶有恶报”的意思呢?请你听了下面这个例子再做判断。

例子3:That man has been stealing, fighting and selling drugs. But give the devil his due - when he saw the little girl fall into the river, he risked his life to save her.


从这个例子看来give the devil his due含意是尽干坏事的人做了好事,也不能抹煞他的功绩。


Give the devil his due这个习惯用语起始于好几百年前当大家都真把魔鬼当回事的时候,当时很多人认为干坏事的人就是魔鬼附身,把魔鬼和坏蛋划上了等号。但是随着时代的进展devil这个词的意义也在发展。如今devil不一定就指恶人。

让我们再听一个例子,这是一个政界人士在私下和朋友说几句知心话,评论属于对立派别的另一个人。他们正竭尽全力阻挠这个人当选为议员。在听之前我们得学一个生词,elect. Elect解释为“选举”。而get elected意思就是“当选”。好,我们来听听这位政界人士怎样评论他的政敌Bill。

例句4:We're doing everything we can to beat Bill. But to give the devil his due, he's honest, knows a lot, and would probably do a good job if he gets elected.


从这个例子可以看出give the devil his due带有的含义是:实事求是地看问题,承认别人的优点。

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·American Idioms 280 - raise the devil / devil'
·American Idioms 282 - fair shake / fair-weathe
·American Idioms 279 - start from scratch / scr
·American Idioms 283 - go whole hog / the whole
·American Idioms 278 - wing it / take sb. under
·American Idioms 284 - get in on the ground flo
·American Idioms 277 - life in the fast lane /
·American Idioms 285 - run like clockwork / cut
·American Idioms 276 - sit on one's hands / sit
·American Idioms 286 - lie low / let sleeping d

上一篇:American Idioms 280 - raise the devil / devil's advocate  
下一篇:American Idioms 282 - fair shake / fair-weather friend / fair-haired boy
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