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我们上次学的习惯用语都有push也就是“推”这个词,而我们今天要讲的习惯用语却都有一个动作相反的词pull, 也就是“拉”。我们先要学两个习惯用语,它们分别是:pull for. Pull for是打气、鼓劲,或者声援的意思。Pull through. Pull through是渡过逆境、渡过危机、脱险的意思。接下来我们要听一段话,里面有pull for和pull through两个习惯用语,说话的人是在医院探望一位刚动了大手术的同事。 (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

例句1: Hi, Jim! You look pretty good today. Everybody at the office says hello - we're all pulling for you to pull through this operation and get back to work as soon as you can.


Pull for就是打气、鼓励的意思,而pull through在这里的意思是克服疾病、恢复健康。


我们要学的下一个习惯用语是:pull your leg. Pull your leg是个古老的习惯用语,至少已经用了一百多年了。人们最初可能是看到有人恶作剧故意把手杖伸在别人的腿脚下使他绊倒摔跤,而得到启发,想出了这个习惯用语。好,让我们通过一个例子来理解这个习惯用语的确切意义。有人一早来上班,发现桌上有一张看来相当正式的通知,于是引起了一段生活中的小插曲:

例句2:This memo told me I was being transferred to Buffalo, where winter is really bad. I was worried when I saw people laughing at me, and I remembered it was April Fool's Day, andI realized my friends are pulling my leg.


从这段话可以看出pull one's leg是跟某人开玩笑,或者是不带恶意的恶作剧。


我们还要学的一个习惯用语:pull the plug. 其中的plug ,这是电线一端的插头,插进墙上的插座就能得到电力。Pull the plug,当然就是把插头从插座上拔出来,那就是切断电源,或者等于是关了某一电器用具。这是从字面上来解释pull the plug,但是这个习惯用语有什么引伸的意义呢?让我们来看一个例子。这是一家商店的店主在说话,由于经济不景气,商店的生意直线下降。

例句3: Business has been terrible for six months and is getting worse every day. I hate to say this but maybe the best thing to do is pull the plug and just close up shop for good.


从这段话可以看出pull the plug可以解释结束、中止某一业务或者事业。

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上一篇:American Idioms 290 - push around / pushover / when push comes to shove  
下一篇:American Idioms 292 - rat race / treadmill / salt mine
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