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20. Crash: (verb)To rest or sleep.
19. All that: (adjective) (1). Great; the best. (2). Superior to others; conceited.
18. Grub: (1).(verb) To eat. (2).(noun) Food, meal.
17. Dude: (1).(noun) Person, especially male. (2).(interjection) A greeting or salutation. (3).(interjection)An indication of surprise.
16. Hottie: (noun) An attractive person.
15. Bad: (1).(adjective) Good. (2).(noun) Fault.
14. What's up?: (greeting) Hi; what is new or happening?
13. Jack up: (1).(verb) To mess up or ruin. (2).(adjective) Mean, cruel.
12. Hoochie: (noun)(1). A person that is sexually promiscuous. (2). A sexy woman. (3). A female who dresses provacatively.
11. Homey: (noun) A friend or buddy, pal.
10. Dis': (verb) (1). To disrespect, make fun of, tease, harass. (2). To ignore, treat badly, brush off.
9. Cool: (adjective) (1). Calm. (2). Fine, acceptable. (3). Neat; exciting; interesting; very good.
8. Phat: (adjective) (1). Cool; very good. (2). Attractive or nice. (3). Large; huge. (4). Big; high, especially used as a term by skateboarders, rollerbladers or snowboarders to describe a jump. (5). Someone who is respected, looked up to.
7. My bad: (noun) My fault.
6. Stoked: (adjective) (1). Excited; very happy; psyched. (2). Surprised or bewildered.
5. Kick it: (verb) (1). To relax. 2. Command to pay attention.
4. Trip/trip out/trippin': (1).(noun) An unusual or strange thing or event. (2).(verb)To act out of character. (3).(verb) To not make sense. (4).(verb) To be overwhelmed. (5).(verb) To overreact. (6).(verb)To disagree. (7).(verb) To get upset; to rage. (8).(verb) To act crazy or surprised. (9).(verb)To act as though one is high on drugs.
3. Chill: (verb) To relax; calm down.
2. Dope: (adjective) Something that's fun, addicting, awesome, out of this world, cool, hip and/or attractive. (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com)
1. Da/the bomb: (adjective) Great; awesome; extremely cool.
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