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提纲式作文是历年四、六级考试中最常见的题型。从1995年1月到1999年1月9次四级考试的作文题型都是这种形式。它要求考生根据给出的题目和提纲,确定文章的中心思想,然后紧紧围绕中心思想展开论述,表达提纲的主旨。它的优点是提纲既体现了文章的层次,又规定了各段大体的内容,为考生提供了一条思路,稍加思索、计划、整理就可成文。但缺点是如果审题不当,反而容易丢分。另外,它的限定性较大,不理解提纲所展现的内容或词汇,就会感到难以下笔。 (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com)



??My View on Job-hopping


??★Some people tend to stick to their position all the time.
??★Some people are different.They are in the habit of job-hopping.
??★I am not in favour of constant job-hopping.

?? 4.以材料支持各段主题句。第1段的材料可以是:喜欢那份工作的各种原因:有发展前途、工资高等;第2段经常“跳槽”的原因:不能施展自己的才能,谋求更高的收入等。第3段也要说明原因,并总结归纳,圆满结尾。

??My View on Job-hopping
??Some people tend tostick to their positions all the time,as they think the longer one works in a particular field,the more skillful one willbe at it.Some have been teachers all their lives.Some devote all their energy to scientific research.Such people love their work and turn out to be specialists in their own fields.They are usually high achievers.

??Some are different.They are in the habit of job-hopping,for they always purpose what is new and stimulating.They never seem content with their present situations.They like to meetmore people,make more money and new acquaintances,so they hop from job to job.

??As far as I am concerned,I am not in favour of constant job-hopping. I believe in a famous proverb,“A rolling stone gather no moss.”I want to be professionally strong.And I respect those who devote themselves to their affectionate jobs throughout their life.

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