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  Youxian Hunan Dragon Boat Festival, pregnant women who used to spend Andrew currency, the poor preparation of the chicken liquor to Penny folder Broussonetia money, for the dragon in the dragon boat to pray before the first production-an. Yue state races that Ruang disaster to disease. Also for pan of water, referred to as the "send pestilence."

  Fuzhou, Fujian Province, the Dragon Boat Festival old customs, daughter-in-law was on a shroud, footwear, mission brown, fan-laws into the offer. County to build on the 5th Cyphotheca for drying Manual, the others are here for the sauce on. Shanghang County Dragon Boat Festival with boat tie-shaped reed plays Zuolong waterfront, known as the Boat Race. Xianyou County Dragon Boat Festival races, the wreath of paper in the Tam Tigers to read Jiajing suspended decane female soldiers this year Qi. Shaowu House before the Dragon Boat Festival, women in purple-red yarn for the Fu-sheng capsule. Goshiki again for FANG Sheng-rong, the color line in, line in the hairpin. The girl was hanging on the back, known as the "sinus mother."

  Guangdong Province, the Dragon Boat Festival Conghua County noon to burning eyes and wash hands after the spill on the Road, known as the "send a disaster."  Dragon Boat Festival, people close to the temple from its advocacy of statues greet tour guide. Wizards and water law, who posted at the expulsion of evil magic. Dragon Boat Festival, children's kite-flying, known as the "release calamity."

  (Hainan Province) during the Dragon Boat Festival, Hainan general throughout the Central Plains will be held, such as dragon boat races and other activities. In today's best preserved ancient city wall governance Dingan County, five hundred years the history of the ancient city of Ming Dynasty within the openings, there are still two stone mounted stacked two bright, slender, high-spirited dragon boat. Island ancestors, the Dragon Boat Festival season, picking up of the boat, toward the river, in ... ... history of the ancient color from a Dragon Boat Festival, the running time staggered to Today. Known as "coconut Township," said Wen, is the ancestral home of Soong Ching Ling, the sea along the riverside. Since ancient times, the local coastal residents along the river during the Dragon Boat Festival, will host the activities of the dragon-boat race, to pray for safety. Hainan and the mainland in addition to the same dragon boat racing, eating dumplings, hanging calamus and Wormwood, as well as an island people are all familiar with the content, that is, washing water and washing-long herbal bath. (来源:EnglishCN.com)

  ﹝河北省﹞ 北平忌端午节打井水,往往于节前预汲,据说是为了避井毒。市井小贩也于端午节兜售樱桃桑椹,据说端午节吃了樱桃桑椹,可全年不误食苍蝇。各炉食铺出售“五毒饼”,即以五种毒虫花纹为饰的饼。滦县已许聘的男女亲家咸于端午节互相馈赠礼品。赵县端午,地方官府会至城南举行聚会,邀请城中士大夫宴饮赋诗,称为“踏柳”。

  ﹝山东省﹞ 邹平县端午,每人早起均需饮酒一杯,传说可以避邪。日照端午给儿童缠七色线,一直要戴到节后第一次下雨才解下来扔在雨水里。临清县端午,七岁以下的男孩带符(麦稓做的项链),女孩带石榴花,还要穿上母亲亲手做的黄布鞋,鞋面上用毛笔画上五种毒虫。意思是借着屈原的墨迹来杀死五种毒虫。即墨在端午节早晨用露水洗脸。

  ﹝山西省﹞ 解州端午,男女戴艾叶,称为“去疾”,幼童则系百索于脖子上,据说这是“为屈原缚蛟龙”。隰州端午,各村祭龙王,并在田间挂纸。怀仁县端午又名“朱门”。定襄县端午,学生需致赠节礼给教师。潞安府以麦面蒸团,称为“白团”,与粽子一起拿来互相馈赠。

  ﹝陕西省﹞ 兴安州端午,地方官率领僚属观赏竞渡,称之“踏石”。兴平县端午以绫帛缝小角黍,下面再缝上一个小人偶,称为“耍娃娃”。同官县端午以蒲艾、纸牛贴门,称为“镇病”。

  ﹝甘肃省﹞ 静宁州端午摘玫瑰以蜜腌渍为饴。镇原县端午赠新婚夫妇香扇、罗绮、巾帕、艾虎。子弟并邀集父兄宴请师长,称为“享节”。漳县端午,牧童祀山神。积薪丘,在鸡鸣前焚烧,俗称“烧高山”。

  ﹝江苏省﹞ 嘉定县端午,不论贫富,必买石首鱼(俗称鳇鱼)煮食。仪征县也有“当裤子、买黄鱼”的俗谚。南京端午,各家皆以清水一盒,加入少许雄黄,鹅眼钱两枚,合家大小均用此水洗眼,称为“破火眼”,据说可保一年没有眼疾。武进有夜龙舟之戏,晚上在龙舟四面悬上小灯竞渡,且有箫鼓歌声相和。


  ﹝四川省﹞ 石柱有“出端午佬”的习俗。由四人以两根竹竿抬起一张铺有红毯的大方桌。毯上用竹篾编一个骑虎的道士。敲锣打鼓,街游行。旧时,川西还有端午“打字子”的习俗。是日,成都人皆买李子,于城东南角城楼下,上下对掷,聚观者数万。光绪二一年(一八九五年)因掷李与外国传教士发生衡突,此俗因而停止。乐山、新津等地端午赛龙舟时,还举行盛大商品交易会。

  ﹝浙江省﹞ 桐卢县乡塾之学童,端午节具礼于师长,称之“衣丝”。医家则于午时采药,相传此日天医星临空。

  ﹝江西省﹞ 建昌府午节用百草水洗浴,以防止疥疮,新昌县以雄黄、丹砂酒中饮之,称之“开眼”。
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