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  无形因素 intangible factors

  无形资产 intangible assets (来源:英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

  对某事加以考虑 take sth into account

  大约,多少有一点 more or less

  广泛的兴趣 a wide range of interest

  相当独特 fairly individual

  显著,杰出 stand out

  反之亦然 vice versa

  垄断性竞争 monopolistic competition

  常常 more often than not

  纯粹的垄断 pure monopoly

  纯粹的竞争 pure competition

  纯粹浪费时间 a pure waste of time

  至于 as for

  需求曲线 demand curve

  概言之,一般说来 in general

  阻止某人做某事 preclude sb from doing sth

  排除所有误解 preclude all misunderstanding

  需求计划 demand schedule

  与…竞争 in competition with

  不完全竞争市场 imperfectly competitive market

  与…配对 be paired with

  以任意的形势 in random fashion

  与…合并 be merged with

  有几分,稍稍 in some measure

  把…至于显著地位 bring into the foreground

  产生 arise from

  部分独立 partial independence

  经济学文献 economic literature

  给…以其应有分量 give due weight to

  集中精力于 focus attention on

  观点 point of view

  与…不协调 out of harmony with

  与…协调 in harmony with

  经济增长的代价the cost of economic growth

  不惜任何代价,无论如何 at all costs

  丧失,牺牲 at the cost of

  势如破竹的胜利 an overwhelming victory

  极度的悲哀 overwhelming sorrow

  绝大部分公民 the overwhelming number of its citizens

  渴望,向往 yearn for

  继续,连续 a continuation of

  为…奋斗 struggle for

  心醉于,被迷倒 be charmed with

  踩,践踏 tread on sth

  踩在某人的脚趾上 tread on sb's toes

  相互追逐 tread on each other's heels

  得意洋洋 tread on air

  与某人祸福与共 cast in one's lot with sb

  决不是,绝对不 anything but

  盼望,期待 look forward to

  结果,因此 in consequence

  富裕繁荣的社会 the affluent society

  在富裕的环境中 in affluent circumstances

  对…满意 be content with

  丰富的饮食 food and drink in abundance

  过着丰衣足食的生活 live in abundance

  依次,轮流 in turn

  赶上琼斯家 keep up with the Joneses

  赶上,不落后 Keep up with sb/sth

  继续作某事 deep on doing sth

  更富有,跟舒服 be better off

  生产商诱导而产生的需要 producer-induced demand

  成为…之一部分 enter into sth

  自然增长或产生 accrue from sth

  英国的工业革命 the English Industrial Revolution

  传统的生活方式 traditional pattern of life

  仅仅,只不过 nothing but

  等于 amount to

  不是,而是 not…but…

  吸引…的注意 get the attention of

  食品杂货店 grocery store

  为…竞争 compete for

  干得好 do a good job

  记在心里 remain in one's mind

  收款台 checkout counter

  国营公司 state-owned company

  合资公司 joint ventures

  白雪覆盖的山顶 snow-covered peak

  糖衣药丸 sugar-coated pills

  营业时间 business hors

  因公 on business

  开始谈正事 get down to business

  激烈的竞争 strong competition

  通货膨胀 inflation

  顺差 surplus

  城市商业区 downtown business district

  保险业 insurance

  不断的 never-ending

  受限于 be limited by

  被认为是 be perceived as

  把…局限于 confine…to

  为了一切有实用价值的目的 for all practical purposes

  能够做 in the position to do

  使…变成 turn…to

  对…有影响 have an effect on

  总纲 general principles

  以…为目的 be aimed at

  与…相关的 relate to

  与…联系在一起 associate with

  太阳能 solar power

  受…的控制 be subjected to

  引入 lead up

  通讯系统 communication system

  能源危机 an energy crisis

  财政危机 a financial crisis

  业余画家 an amateur painter

  业余摄影家 an amateur photographer

  道德的基础 the basis of morality

  柱基 the base of a pillar

  自然现象 the phenomena of nature

  故意的 on purpose

  商业银行 a commercial bank

  金融机构 a financial institution

  金融中心 a financial centre

  财政困难 in financial difficulties

  与生俱来的特权 the privileges of birth

  活期存款账户 checking accounts

  定期存款账户 savings accounts

  州政府 the state government

  联邦政府 the federal government

  答应一项帮助 grant a favor

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