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IN PRISON..you spend the majority of your time in an 8x10 cell.

AT WORK..you spend most of your time in a 6x8 cubicle.

IN PRISON..you get three meals a day.

AT WORK..you only get a break for one meal and you have to pay for it.

IN PRISON..you get time off for good behavior.

AT WORK..you get rewarded for good behavior with more work.

IN PRISON..a guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.

AT WORK..you must carry around a security card and unlock and open all the doors yourself.

IN PRISON..you can watch TV and play games.

AT WORK..you get fired for watching TV and playing games.

IN PRISON..you get your own toilet.

AT WORK..you have to share.

IN PRISON..they allow your family and friends to visit.

AT WORK..you cannot even speak to your family and friends.
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