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今天我们要讲的习惯词语有这样一个关键词,nest。Nest这个词有许多不同的解释,最常用的意思是鸟窝,但是虫子、鱼儿、乌龟、兔子之类的动物下蛋、哺育儿女或者歇息安身、遮风避雨的地方,也都可以称为nest。Nest这个词甚至也可以指窃贼等犯罪分子的巢穴。我们要讲的第一个习惯用语是: Foul your own nest。 Foul这个词可以解释“玷污,弄脏”刚才说过nest可以指安身的所在,所以foul your own nest从字面上解释是把自己的安乐窝弄得乌七八糟。 (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com)

想象一下,如果你把自己的安乐窝搞得脏乱不堪、臭气冲天,那你是在跟自己过不去,让自己不得安宁了。当然foul your own nest是比喻的说法。让我们听一个例子来体会它的含义。说话的人在谈论一名市长。这位市长稳坐江山已经有二十年了;市长的位置似乎已经成了他的终生职业,但是后来却发生了出人意料的变化。好,我们一起来听这段话吧。

例句-1:The mayor could have been elected forever. But he's finished now and may end up in jail. It was discovered that he'd been fouling his own nest by taking bribes and giving city contracts in return.



我们可以看出foul your own nest在这段话里的意思是,本人的所作所为毁坏自己的名誉。让我们再听一个例子,说的是一名参议员和他的贤内助Sally。

例句-2:Senator White is lucky to have a wife like Sally, a lovely and smart woman with a good job. When she learned that he had affairs with cheap women, she didn't foul their own nest but still supported her husband to run for senator.


从这个例子可见foul your own nest还有“拆自己人的台”或者“家丑外扬”的意思。


我们要学的第二个以nest为主的习惯用语是: stir up a hornet's nest. Hornet是黄蜂、胡蜂或者马蜂。 Stir up a hornet's nest相当于中文的俗话: 捅了马蜂窝。如果一个人不明智地捅马蜂窝,必然遭到大群马蜂的叮刺围攻。这是自找麻烦。

让我们听一个例子进一步了解stir up a hornet's nest这个习惯用语的意思。这是一个老于世故的人在劝一个思想激进的年轻同事,别去触犯办公室的那些陈规戒律和因循旧习,以免给自己添麻烦。好,我们来听这段话吧。

例句-3:Why are you trying to stir up a hornet's nest? Our office has been managed this way for the last twenty years. Don't waste time complaining about it; you'll just get in a lot of trouble.


在这句话里, to stir up a hornets' nest意思是自找麻烦,或者成为众矢之的。我们再来听个例子,讲的是美国不久前暴光的一起间谍案,一个深得信任的中央情报局官员居然为莫斯科提供秘密情报达八年之久才被发现。这使美国公众大为震惊,舆论哗然。好,我们来听吧。

例句-4/:The case has stirred up a hornet's nest among the press and the congress. Everyone wants to know how this senior officer got away with stealing all those secrets for eight years before he got caught.


这个例子里的stirred up a hornet's nest含义也是触犯众怒引起大量的批评指责。

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·American Idioms 306 - button your lip / on the
·American Idioms 308 - feather your own nest /
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上一篇:American Idioms 306 - button your lip / on the button  
下一篇:American Idioms 308 - feather your own nest / empty nest
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