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我们上次讲了两个由nest组成的习惯用语, foul your own nest有破坏自己的名誉,家丑外扬等意思, stir up a hornet's nest意思是树敌招怨,自找麻烦。今天我们还要讲两个以 nest 为关键词的习惯用语。第一个是: Feather your own nest。Feather这个词作动词的时候可以解释铺垫羽毛。那么feather your own nest就是在自己的窝里铺上羽毛了。想象一下垫上松软羽毛的小窝该是多么舒服啊。这可真是为自己的安乐考虑周到了。 (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com)

当然我们不能只看这个习惯用语的字面意义。让我们听一个例子来体会它的含义吧。这段话说的还是我们上次提到的CIA officer,也就是美国中央情报局的那个工作人员。他为前苏联提供机密情报终于落网。这件事使说这句话的人大为烦恼。

例句-1: I thought security at CIA was good and tight. How come this guy could spy for Russia for so long and feather his own nest with millions of dollars for Moscow? It's really hard to believe.

他原来的想法是中央情报局的安全防卫措施一定既完善又严密,没想到事实却并非如此。否则那个中央情报局官员怎么有机会长年累月地为莫斯科提供机密情报,并得到几百万美元的报酬中饱私囊呢? 这简直令人难以置信。

从这例子我们可以看出feather your own nest意思是中饱私囊。换句话说是谋求个人利益。


好,我们再来听一个例子。这是在说一个律师怎么会遭到法律制裁的。 他受Green先生的委托执行遗嘱,却耍弄了欺骗手段。好,我们一起来听吧。

例句-2:In his will Mr. Green told this lawyer to use his money after he died to build a hospital for the poor. But the lawyer feathered his own nest by using the money to buy two apartment buildings for himself.


在这个例子里feathered his own nest是营私自肥、中饱私囊的意思。


我们今天要学的第二个习惯用语是: empty nest。 照字面意思来看empty nest是空巢。鸟儿筑巢下蛋孵出一窝吱吱喳喳的小鸟。在鸟爸鸟妈的精心哺育下小鸟羽翼丰满就离开父母纷纷飞去独立生活,留下老爸老妈独守空巢,就是empty nest。然而这个习惯用语常常用来比喻人的生活。例如下面这段话是一个人在跟他的邻居谈孩子离开家去上大学时孤独冷清的感受。好,我们来听这段话吧。

例句-3:Your only boy is leaving home pretty soon for college, isn't he? It's going to be tough for the first couple of months once you're left alone in an empty nest, I tell you. It was certainly hard for me!

这个邻居的独子快离开家去大学念书了,说话的人以过来人的身份谈自己的亲身体会,所谓empty nest究竟是什么样的感觉呢? 让我们再听一遍用慢速说的这段话。边听边体会empty nest指什么。



可见empty nest是用来形容子女长大成人离开老家后父母的落寞感受。好,让我们再听一个例子。这个例子里习惯用语empty nest加上了后缀-er, 成了empty-nester。这是什么意思呢? 让我们边听下面的例子边仔细推敲。这是一个房屋经纪人在推销他分套出售的新公寓大楼。好,我们来听吧。

例句-4:We get a lot of empty-nesters moving into this area. They sell their big houses they don't need after their children leave and come here. Warm weather, clean air, nice people, no crime, everything! The perfect place for you!


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上一篇:American Idioms 307 - foul your own nest / stir up a hornet's nest  
下一篇:American Idioms 309 - Scrape the bottom of the barrel
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