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(7) hot dog:

指喜欢卖弄冒险的举动,或爱出锋头的惊险动作。(one who performs showy or dangerous stunts ; a show off) ( 可当名词或动词用) (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)


Some young people are hot dogs behind the wheel, speeding all the time.


(这里的 hot dogs = hot doggers)

In front of his girlfriend, the teenager was trying to hot dog.


(动词时态是:hot dogged, hot dogging)

During the air force show, one of the pilots was a dan-gerous hot dogging flyer.



The hot dog is one of the favorite fast food in the U.S.



Hot dog ! What great news for me.


(8)eager beaver:

指做事非常卖力的人,也许为了给人良好的印象。(one who likes to work harder in order to impress others)




John seems an eager beaver because he always comes early and leaves late.

(John 似乎是十分卖力的人,因为他总是来得早,走得晚。)

Being an eager beaver, he sometimes is not well-liked by his colleagues.


Does Mr. B have a long-lasting attitude as an eager beaver?

(B 先生做事非常卖力,那是长久以来的态度吗?)

You may find some eager beavers in any organizations.


(9)doubting Thomas:

这是指不信任所有的人,几乎是一种怀疑主义者。(one who is always doubtful toward others)

(这原出于圣经,因耶稣门徒 Thomas 不信基督的复活)



I am not trying to be a doubting Thomas about Mr. Wong's keeping promise.


There must have been some unpleasant experiences for Mr. B to become a doubting Thomas.

(B 先生不信任他人,也许因为有不愉快的经验所致。)


My friends are doubting Thomases toward many Chi-nese business people.


If there are too many doubting Thomases in our society, people will lose confidence with one another.


(10)dragon lady:

指生气、不友善或凶险的女人。(angry, un-friendly or dangerous woman)(当名词用)


The chairman's secretary is so snoffy and nasty that she is considered a dragon lady.


I am sure no woman likes to be called a dragon lady.


Should your girlfriend happens to be a dragon lady, are you going to breakup with her?



There may be many dragon ladies in our community.


注:老外指凶恶男人,不用 dragon gentleman,利用英国侦探小说里的中国恶棍傅满洲(Fu Manchu)为代表

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