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有些人很善于说谎,或者是在形容某些事物的时候夸大其词。下面我们给大家介绍一个美国人在这方面常用的俗语:baloney。人们用baloney这个字来形容某些人说的话一钱不值。比如说,有一个叫琼斯的人向老板提出要求加工资。老板说了些好听的话就把他打发走了。回到家里,当琼斯太太问起这件事时,琼斯说: (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

例句-1: Honey, the old man told me what a great job I'm doing and how I am so valuable to the company. But he said the company isn't making enough money right now to give anybody a raise, he thinks he may be able to do something about it a year from now. But I'm afraid all he gave me was a lot of baloney.



例句-2: Baloney! That's all it is when my opponent keeps saying that my voting record always favors big business over the average citizen. Let me say it again: that's nothing but baloney!




例句-3: John Doe, the former head of the City Public Works Department, went on trial today in the district court. He is charged with taking a 50,000-dollar kickback from the Blank Construction Company after giving them a 3 million dollars contract to repair the city streets.



例句-4: We thought our congressman was a sure bet to be re-elected. But he's in real trouble--his opponent charges him with getting kickbacks for voting a certain way and seems to have some evidence to prove it.



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·American Idioms 65 - FLEA MARKET / CLAM UP
·American Idioms 67 - GET A KICK OUT OF / KICK
·American Idioms 64 - KEEP ONE'S EYE ON THE BAL
·American Idioms 68 - KICK UP ONE'S HEELS / KIC
·American Idioms 63 - KEEP ONE'S EYES PEELED...
·American Idioms 69 - AT THE DROP OF A HAT / TA
·American Idioms 62 - EYES POP OUT / NOT EVEN B
·American Idioms 70 - HANG ON TO YOUR HAT / KEE
·American Idioms 61 - FEAST YOUR EYES ON / HIT
·American Idioms 71 - EAT ONE'S HAT / EAT ONE'S

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下一篇:American Idioms 67 - GET A KICK OUT OF / KICK THE BUCKET
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