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We get to working after a short rest. 我们歇息了一会儿后就开始干起活来。
He got to wondering why he was in the job.
8.  We think young people should look smart and so we would like to wear our own clothes. (P22)我们想年轻人应该看起来漂亮潇洒,因此我们想穿自己的衣服。
The dolphin is a smart animal. 海豚是聪明的动物。
He looks very smart in his suit. 他穿上他的西装看起来很帅气。
(2)would like意为“想要”,相当于want,后面接名词或动词不定式。
I would like a cup of coffee. 我想要杯咖啡。
I didn’t want to go to the cinema. I would like to stay at home.
◎ would like sb to do sth表示“想要某人做某事”。
I’d like you to help me with my homework. 我想要你帮助我做家庭作业。
feel like也可以译为“想要”,有时可以与would like替换;其后接名词或动词的-ing形式。
She feels like a good meal. 她想美美地吃一顿。
I feel like seeing a film tonight. 我今晚想去看电影。
9.  Our teachers believe that if we did that, we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies. (P22)我们老师相信,如果我们那样做了,我们就会将注意力更多地集中在服装上,而不是学习上。
I don’t believe his story. 我不相信他的故事。
I believe he told us the truth. 我认为他告诉我们的是真的。
◎believe in表示“信任”(即trust)。
She doesn’t believe in God. 她不信奉上帝。
(2)在that if...的句中,that放在believe后面用来引导一个宾语从句,而if则在宾语从句中引导一个条件状语从句,we would...则是宾语从句中的主句。
We are sure that if they come on time, they won’t be in the rain. (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)
(3)动词concentrate常常构成concentrate(...)on sth,表示“专心致志(于某件事),精神集中,全神贯注(做某事)”。
I can’t concentrate on my work when I’m hungry. 我饿了就无法集中精力工作。
We must concentrate our attention on efficiency. 我们必须把注意力集中在效率上。
10.  I know we get noisy sometimes, but we learn a lot from each other. (P22)我知道我们有时很吵,但是我们相互之间可以学到很多东西。
We used to learn English from Da Shan. 我们以前常常跟大山学英语。
He never learns from his mistakes. 他从来不从错误中吸取教训。
◎learn to do sth“学习,学会做某事”。
I’m learning to keep rabbits. 我正学着养兔子。
How did Bill Gates learn to work out a software programme?
learn of“听到”,“获悉”。
He learned of the accident just now. 他刚才听到事故的消息。
(2)each other意为“互相”,通常指两者之间,在句中用作宾语、定语等;而one another意为“互相”,用来指两个以上的人或事物的相互关系。
You and I understand each other perfectly. 你我彼此很了解。
The two girls often help each other in their lessons.
在现代英语中,each other和one another在用法上没有什么区别,一般认为each other多用于非正式文体;而one another多用于较正式文体。
11.  Last summer I had an opportunity to volunteer at the local hospital. (P22)去年夏天,我有机会在一家当地医院做志愿者。
Thousands of men volunteered when the war broke out.
We volunteered to raise the money. 我们志愿募捐。
This work costs us nothing. It’s all done by volunteers. 这项工作我们没有花一点钱,全是由志愿人员完成的。
Following the national news we have the local news and weather.
She’s a local girl. 她是本地姑娘。
The locals like to visit friends on weekends. 当地人喜欢周末访友。
12.  I would like to reply to the article “Helping and Learning” in your last newsletter. (P23)我想回答你们上期简讯上“帮与学”这篇文章中的问题。
He didn’t reply to my letter. 他没有给我回信。
How can you reply to my questions? 你如何回答我的问题呢?
reply严格地说是经过深思熟虑后,一一答复对方的问题或观点,故当以answer表示像answer the telephone这样一般性的应答时,不能用reply代替。
(2)in your last newsletter是介词短语,在句中用作定语,修饰article。
13.  “I know my parents care about me,” he says. (P24)“我知道父母关心我,”他说。
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·I used to be afraid of the dark.
·What would you do?
·How do you study for a test?
·It must belong to Carla
·I like music that I can dance to.
·Where would you like to visit?
·I’llhelp clean up the city parks.
·When was it invented?
·By the time I got outside,the bus had already
·Could you please tell me where the restrooms a

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