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多语翻译软件Google Translator Interface 3 相关类别 : 英语大片 | 电子书籍 | 综合下载 |

软件名称:  多语翻译软件Google Translator Interface 3
文件类型:  .rar
界面语言:  英文软件
软件类型:  国外软件
运行环境:  Win2003,WinXP,Win2000,Win9X
授权方式:  免费软件
软件大小:  494KB
软件等级:  ★★★★☆
发布时间:  2007-07-02
官方网址:  http://     


A multilingual translation interface, that uses the Google translation engine. A powerful, non-invasive, and easy-to-use assistant that satisfies your translation needs. Installation not required, only download and use it.

Version 3 is easy to open by pressing Win+G and can minimized to the tray icon or the screen border.

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