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灵格斯多语翻译词典Lingoes Translator 相关类别 : 英语大片 | 电子书籍 | 综合下载 |

软件名称:  灵格斯多语翻译词典Lingoes Translator
文件类型:  .rar
界面语言:  英文软件
软件类型:  国外软件
运行环境:  Win2003,WinXP,Win2000,Win9X
授权方式:  免费软件
软件大小:  2.92MB
软件等级:  ★★★★☆
发布时间:  2007-07-02
官方网址:  http://     


Lingoes is a dictionary and multi-language translation software providing results in over 60 languages. It offers text translation, cursor translator, index list group and pronouncing text, and abundant free dictionaries as a new generation dictionary and translation software. Lingoes offers users the instant way to look up dictionaries and translation in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and more over 60 languages. With the creative cursor translator, Lingoes automatically recognizes the word and its definition as soon as you move the cursor and point to any text, then press hotkey. It wouldn't disturb your current work.

Lingoes owns full features of current popular commercial software, and creatively develop cross language design and open dictionaries management. A plenty of dictionaries and thesauruses are listed for free download.

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