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People working in an office
E-business in action
Helen: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Helen.

Jean: And I’m Jean. (来源:专业英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

Helen: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.

Jean: 在我们的Real English地道英语节目中,我们要来学学当今英国最新出现的一些新词汇和新说法。Now Helen,今天我们要学的新词是什么呢?

Helen: Today’s expression is 'e-business'.

Jean: E-business. 什么意思呢?

Helen: Well, e-business is electronic business. It means any business done using the internet.

Jean: 就是说,e-business是使用因特网的商务运作。

Helen: That's right. You could say 'E-business has grown very much in China recently.'

Jean: 你的意思是,这些公司是通过使用因特网来赚钱,对吗?

Helen: That’s right.


A: Why did you close your office?

B: Well, it’s all e-business these days, so I can just work from home on my computer.

C: Do you think we should start an e-business service?

D: Why not? It could be bring in sales in 24-7. I’m sure our customers would love it.

Jean: So Helen, what type of companies use e-business?

Helen: Well, anything to do with computers can be e-business. A lot of travel companies use e-business too.

Jean: Yes, that’s true, I have used online booking systems.

Helen: Yes. It is very easy to buy plane tickets or reserve a hotel room on the internet.

Jean: But you have to be careful with your credit card details.

Helen: That’s a very good tip. Now let’s recap e-business means:

Jean: E-business就是网上的电子商务的意思。Unfortunately we have to go now.

Helen: Yes, that’s all we have time for. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon.

Jean: See you next time.

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·Handy 拿手,方便
·Creep 阿谀奉承的人
·Hoody 年轻小混混
·Carbon Footprint 碳足迹
·Scruffy 衣着不整齐
·Designer Stubble 有型的短胡子
·Tribute Band 翻唱乐队
·Teacher’s Pet 老师的宠物
·Wi-fi 无线上网技术
·Recycle 废品回收

上一篇:Handy 拿手,方便  
下一篇:Creep 阿谀奉承的人
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