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我们今天要讲的习惯用语有这个词: stomach. Stomach可以指胃或者腹部。我们来学第一个习惯用语: eyes bigger than your stomach。这句话直译就是眼睛比胃口大。我们有时看到自己爱吃的东西就贪心地拿了好多,但是我们的肠胃却容纳不下,eyes bigger than your stomach描述的就是这种情况。好,我们来听个例子,说话的人特爱吃意大利烤馅饼,也就是pizza。 (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

例句-1:Every time we have pizza I take too much. Last time I couldn't finish it, but I still ate so much I had to throw up. I guess you could say my eyes are bigger than my stomach.


所以eyes bigger than your stomach,思就是想要多吃点儿,但是胃口却容纳不下。


我们来学下一个习惯用语: butterflies in your stomach。Butterflies是蝴蝶,想象一下如果有好几只蝴蝶在你肚子里上下翻飞,那该是什么样的滋味呢?当然是七上八下地折腾,很不好受。蝴蝶是飞不进肚子里的,这显然是比喻的说法。它形容甚么样的心理状态呢? 让我们听个例子来琢磨,说的是Jennifer求职面谈的事儿。

例句-2:When Jennifer went in for the job interview at the law firm, she had plenty of butterflies in her stomach. Luckily, the interview went well and she got the job.


可见have butterflies in one's stomach是形容由于恐惧、焦虑或者紧张而产生的忐忑不安的心理状态。


我们接着要学的习惯说法有belly这个词。Belly和stomach是同义词,都指肚子或者胃,我们首先要学的是: belly ache。很多人知道这个说法的意思是肚子痛或者胃疼。但是我们这儿要学的是把bellyache当动词用。人们闹胃疼的时候往往会哼哼唧唧地呻吟诉苦,于是大约在十九世纪中期的时候人们开始用bellyache表示惯于对一切琐碎小事都唠唠叨叨地抱怨个没完。让我们来听个例子:

例句-3:When I asked Joe to type the report, he complained about sore fingers. Then I asked him to run an errand downtown he said his feet hurt. When I invited him to the office party, he said parties always depressed him. That guy's always bellyaching about something.




我们再来学一个习惯用语: belly up。这个习惯用语最常用的意思来自鱼,你看过水里死鱼的模样吗? 它们都是肚子朝天地在漂浮。这就引出belly up这个习惯用语表达“完蛋”的意思。好,我们来听个例子:

例句-4:I used to work for a company that had always made money so I thought my job was safe. But the company ran into hard times and finally went belly up so now I have to find another job.


可见belly up可以指企业失败倒闭。

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