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我们上次讲了两个由story这个词组成的习惯用语。一个是cock and bull story,意思是虚构不实的托词。另一个是cover story,解释掩盖真相的假话。我们今天还要讲几个带有story这个词的习惯用语。第一个是: inside story。Inside通常解释为内部的,和cover意义相对。如果说cover story是装点门面的表面文章的话,那么inside story就是不得外传的内幕真情了。在一个机构里通常只有几个掌握特权的人物才知晓这些有关隐私或者秘密决策问题的inside story,而这些了解inside story的人就可以称为insider。 (来源:http://www.EnglishCN.com)


例句-1:The North Korean government keeps telling the world it's not building an atomic bomb. But this country is so closed off nobody in the outside world knows the real inside story.


所以inside story就是内幕消息或者真实情况。


我们再来学一个习惯用语: fish story。Fish是鱼。Fish story这个习惯用语可能来自捕鱼的人夸夸其谈的习惯。他们好夸耀自己抓到的鱼有多大,也喜欢对人讲述他们的水上奇遇:例如曾经看到过什么巨大无比的鱼或者稀奇古怪的海怪、湖怪等等。于是人们就把诸如此类夸大其词的故事称为fish story。讲述这种故事是为了夸耀自己见多识广,然而通常并没有蛊惑人心的恶意。让我们来听个例子,说的是关于美人鱼的传说。

例句-2:When the fisherman told people in the town he had seen a beautiful mermaid on a rock in the river, they knew it was just a fish story. But the story was so charming that they built a stone mermaid.


可见fish story是夸大其词的说法。


好,我们再学一个习惯用语: sob story。 Sob意思是哭泣。那么sob story是什么样的故事呢? 让我们来听个例子。

例句-3:This guy told me a real sob story, how he was catching a train to his mom's funeral. But somebody stole his wallet. I don't know whether it was true but I gave him a dollar anyway.


所以sob story是催人泪下、博取同情的故事,也可以解释为悲惨遭遇。

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·American Idioms 317 - cock and bull story / co
·American Idioms 319 - fish or cut bait / fishi
·American Idioms 316 - eyes bigger than your st
·American Idioms 320 - thin air / come up for a
·American Idioms 315 - stand out / stand the he
·American Idioms 321 - go to pot / sweeten the
·American Idioms 314 - bone of contention / mak
·American Idioms 322 - not playing with a full
·American Idioms 313 - feel in your bone / thro
·American Idioms 323 - go bananas / compare ora

上一篇:American Idioms 317 - cock and bull story / cover story  
下一篇:American Idioms 319 - fish or cut bait / fishing expedition
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