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当有人问爱因斯坦Do you believe in God?

他是这么回答的: (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

I believe in Spinoza's God, Who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God Who concerns Himself with the fate and the doings of mankind.


In response the telegrammed question of New York's Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein in (24 April 1929): "Do you believe in God? Stop. Answer paid 50 words." Einstein replied in only 25 (German) words. Spinoza's ideas of God are often characterized as being pantheistic

Expanding on this he later wrote: "I can understand your aversion to the use of the term 'religion' to describe an emotional and psychological attitude which shows itself most clearly in Spinoza... I have not found a better expression than 'religious' for the trust in the rational nature of reality that is, at least to a certain extent, accessible to human reason."

什么是Spinoza's God?

Spinoza asserted that for a concept of god to make any sense at all, it must simply be nature. That is, god cannot be something outside nature that controls it, but must necessarily be part of it. According to Spinoza, God IS nature. While Spinoza was excommunicated from his Jewish community in Amsterdam and condemned by Christians as well for being an atheist, he was very devoutly religious. He saw the traditional anthropomorphic (man-like) god as an abomination, completely rejecting the wonder of nature, from which life comes. To Spinoza, nature is the true expression of God. And each of us is part of it. Unfortunately, his highly technical, mathematical style of writing limited widespread appreciation of his work.

斯宾诺莎(Baruch de Spinoza,1632 - 1677)荷兰哲学家,原名巴鲁赫?德?斯宾诺莎出生在荷兰的一个犹太商人家庭,靠磨镜片为生,是一位理性主义的先驱。《伦理学》一书是斯宾诺莎的主要著作,他的哲学思想基本上都表述在这本书中,写这部著作花费了十多年,生前这部著作并没有发表,死后才由友人出版。《伦理学》一书是用“几何学的方法”写的。斯宾诺莎和比他稍早的法国哲学家笛卡儿一样,认为只有象几何学一样,凭理性的能力从最初几个由直观获得的定义和公理推论出来的知识,才是最可靠的知识,因此,他写作《伦理学》时,就把人的思想、情感、欲望等等也当作几何学上的点、线、面一样来研究,先提出定义和公理,然后加以证明,进而作出绎理。

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