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外国人喜欢热情地表示 "The dishes are quite good here; these dishes are quite famous",而不会谦虚地说食物不怎么好吃。

外国人乐于让客人们自主选择想吃的菜,而不是替客人夹菜。They think to help yourself is the best way. As long as the guests are happy with their meal, the host will be satisfied. Foreigners give guests the chance to choose what is their favourite.

一句话,外国人的表达及处世方式更为直接,而中国人则更显圆滑。Foreigners never pretend to be modest. They just tell others what they think. If a Chinese person is faced with the same situation, maybe he or she would say, "I'm sorry. The restaurant is a little bit small and the dishes are just so so, but I hope you'll enjoy yourself."

 Avoiding misunderstandings 消除误解好快活!

 One sometimes finds the other person's behaviour odd, or even distasteful. If we try to find out why the two sides behave as they do, we can have a better understanding of each other and communicate more successfully.

如果我们避开误解的雷区,具有不同文化的两个人就能做到“沟通无极限” !我们还是拿Lisa 和Wang Ming做例子。让我们重新设计一下双方的对话。怎么样,如此交流,是不是和谐了许多呢?


Wang: Hi! Lisa, welcome! Come in, please.
Lisa: Thanks for your invitation. It's a lovely room and very warm in here.
Wang: Thank you. Please sit and have a cup of tea. It's quite cold outside today. How long did it take you to come here? Was it difficult to find my place? Did you find the map I drew useful?
Lisa: It was very useful. It only took 20 minutes to get here. I enjoyed the walk. Winter in Beijing is very beautiful.
Wang: Lisa, dinner is ready. Please sit here facing the door. According to the Chinese custom, this is the seat for the most distinguished guest.
Lisa: Thank you. I feel most honoured. Wow! So many dishes - eight! They look delicious.
Wang: Thank you. I prepared the dishes myself. I hope you like them. Please help yourself.
Lisa: They're delicious. The Chinese food I tried in the States was not the same as this.
Wang: I'm glad you like them. But leave some room for the other eight hot dishes.
Lisa: Really? Another eight! It is not a dinner, it's a feast!
Wang: You know, the figure “eight” is a lucky number in Chinese. Two sets of eight dishes for distinguished guests.
Lisa: I feel honoured indeed. You're too kind.
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·Informal Language 美语中的非正式用语

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