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Australian Travelogue
● 陈晴山 Chen Qing-shan
译/陈敏良 陈敏华Trans. by Peter Chen, Michael Tan

My son Liang,


  There is a book published here recently titled "澳洲见闻
录"( Ao Zhou Jian Wen lu ,Australian Travelogue). The
author is a journalist by the name of 黄 思 Huang Si; he
was a member of the group of four journalists on a visit
tour of Singapore-Malaya and ……(missing words due to
damage of original letter). They travelled all over
Australia for about 20 days during late 1957. He has
written a book, with only 118 pages filled with several
illustrations; the language is fluent. He has traveled all
over Australia and has compiled a comprehensive report of
the industries and commerce, scenery, people, customs,
developments in the Chinese immigrant community, the
Singapore-Malayan overseas students. The book devoted 10
pages or more to Adelaide where you're now living. It was
published in July this year and has just recently been put
on sale. It appears to be selling well, because there are (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com)
many Malayan students studying in Australia or are planning
to do so. Everyone wants to know something about Australia
from the book. Your mother is always concerned about the
living conditions of Asian students in Australia. I bought
a copy of the book for her to read. The first section she
looked for in the book is the chapter on Adelaide. She
heard that you plan to visit Western Australia during your
vacation. She has also read that Perth is the capital of
Western Australia. She is worried that there are lots of
flies in Perth and wants to remind you to be careful with
the food there. I have read through the book once and will
buy an additional copy to mail to you.


   An old poem said: " 不 识 庐 山 真 面 目, 只 缘 身 在
此 山 中" (Bu shi Lu-shan zhen mian mu, zhi yuan shen zai ci
shan zhong . One can never discern the true face of the
mountain Lu, if one can only look out from within these
hills). Although you live in Adelaide, perhaps you may
never see as much as this journalist. Since you are already
there, it is best that you record your day to day
observations in notes, to gather some material. When you
eventually return to Malaya, you can organise these material
to be compiled into a journal for people back home to read.
It can be published either in English or Chinese; the
language does not matter. If you do not publish it
yourself, you may sell the article to others; your efforts
will not be wasted.

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·Fragrance Forever
·Flowers and Coconut leaves
·The Becutiful Horse(连载故事)
·Dining on the grass
·A Family Heirloom
·one hour ago
·The Becutiful Horse(2)--The king's daughte

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