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in English, a trick that often turns up fuller results on Google.cn than a search for the same term in Chinese. (To see what we mean, compare these Google.cn results for 'Dalai Lama' in English and Chinese).
文词条更加全面。(比较一下Google.cn上“Dalai Lama”和“*”的搜索结果就知道我们说的是什么意思了。)

5. Google has identified Chinese dissidents as the targets of cyber attacks
5. 谷歌发现中国异见人士是此次网络攻击的目标

Since Google revealed that it has been the target of cyber attacks, and that it had identified two Gmail accounts that had been compromised, a number of prominent Chinese activists have reported that their Gmail accounts have been hacked, in some cases repeatedly. Google says that these intrusions were not part of the larger, sophisticated attack on its security infrastructure, but likely the result of more pedestrian phishing scams or malware.
攻击的一部分,而有可能是更为平常的钓鱼式电子邮件或恶意软件引起的。 (来源:http://www.EnglishCN.com)

6. Google has already shut down its business in China
6. 谷歌已关闭中国业务

On Friday, Ministry of Commerce spokesman Yao Jian said that neither MOC nor the Beijing Municipal Commission of Commerce had received any information from Google about a planned withdrawal of its investment. A person close to Google also denied rumors that Google employees in China have ceased to report for work.

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